Start a Community Guitar Program

Up until now (the summer of '06) there has only been one Community Guitar Program on the planet, my own in the vicinity of Northampton, MA. Beginning in the fall of 2006, however, I am recruiting teachers and host institutions who would like to start Community Guitar Programs elsewhere.

For myself, I expect to gain valuable insights from participating hosts and instructors as I transition from the role of teacher to that of program coordinator. For you, the host or instructor, the benefits of participation include those that we will discuss in the pages that follow, (see Why Offer a Community Guitar Program?), but with these added bonuses that come with getting in on the ground floor:

  • Because the number of participating teachers will be small, you can expect easy, direct access to me. My primary 'job' will be to make your job easier and learn from your experience. Once the program has spread more widely, it will be harder for me to offer this kind of personalized attention.

  • Although our course and marketing materials will be provided in a professionally presentable form for your use, they will not yet have been finalized or mass produced, pending your feedback. (Why ask your opinion if we're not in a position to change anything?) This moment in time offers the best opportunity you will have to actually shape both the structure and the content of your Community Guitar Program.

  • Over time, I assume we will be publishing instructional materials produced by other Community Guitar instructors in addition those I have created. There will never be a better time to establish yourself as a core team player at Community Guitar Resources, nor will you ever have a greater say in the terms by which we work together.

My experience on the local level suggests that there is a significant market for this kind of program, a market that we can help you tap professionally and profitably from the very start. If that's a promise that you'd like to see us deliver on, then please get in touch and let's discuss it.

Before you do, however, you will no doubt ask the simple question, Why Offer a Community Guitar Program? Glad you asked...